
10 Tips For Being Single On Valentine’s Day
Being single can be fun. So why shouldn´t it be fun being single on Valentine´s Day? Do you celebrate this holiday in a special way? Or do you feel that it is just too commercial, or just for couples and wish the day would simply go away? Here are a few ways to own the day and have fun too.
5 Ways to Get Ready For the Holiday Madness
If you are beginning to find that you no longer enjoy your leisure time, or need more time to recover from your socializing – then it is time to start a program to detox your ‘’down time’’ and make certain that when the major holidays arrive, you are centered and prepared.
Celebrating YOU on Valentine's Day
Being single on Valentine’s Day can mean spending time with friends eating chocolate and drinking champagne. In other words, all the essentials of life, all on the same day.
Countdown to a New You
Why wait until the old year is out before starting the changes that will bring about unlimited possibilities in your life? Let unhappiness guide you to a happier, new you!
Enjoying The Holidays As A Single Person
Don’t let anyone convince you that you are not honoring the true meaning of the season by choosing to celebrate the holidays alone instead of with family. Commit yourself happily to your choice and you can make the most powerful change in any circumstance.
Face-Off With Your Inner Critic
No matter how hard we try to deny it, our past affects who we are as women today. Let’s focus on creating a new way of seeing relationships and being a single woman. Let’s create the kind of belief systems we want in our adult lives now!
Finding Value in Being Single
Holiday time has a magical way of turning even the most confident, happily single person into a shivering Jell-O mold of insecurities. Realigning yourself with your core values makes celebrating this holiday season a time worth honoring.
Halloween Fun for Single Life
Want to exorcise your bad relationship demons? Throw a Scary Dates Halloween Party, or simply an elegant Hallows Eve Pot Luck Dinner. Here are some tips for making Halloween a great time for renewal, strength, and lots of fun!
Halloween Fun for Singles
Halloween is one of those holidays that you can either choose to ignore, or participate in with great relish. Let’s refuse to let being single dampen our fun! Let’s have a Halloween party that will celebrate being single while warding off the bad spirits of negative thinking.
Happy New Year!
Being single can be a cause for celebration and not something that needs to be rectified. Vow to ring in the New Year with pride and celebrate all that has passed.
Holiday Gift Ideas for Singles
I think books are magic. They can guide you through ways of eliminating self-defeating behavior patterns, make you laugh, or they can bring you closer to friends and loved ones using recipes. Here are some of my favorite ‘’Single Life’’ books for the holidays.
Holiday Singles
This time of year, the senses are overloaded with images of happy couples while holiday music and colorful lights fill the background. Having holiday fun is not just for couples and families. It’s time to put on your party dress and celebrate another fabulous year of Living Single!
Holiday Survivor's Guide to Being Single
For many, this has been a difficult and painful year. Job losses, foreclosures, divorce, or separation has made the idea of celebrating the holidays impossible. Taking control of your life can turn the holiday season from stressful to peaceful. Here are a few tips to show you how.
Holiday Tips Especially for Singles
All season our senses are being overloaded with images of happy families and couples done up to the backdrop of holiday music and bright lights. The holidays are not just for couples and families, they are for singles too. Here are a few tips to get you motivated to have fun!
Home Alone - Enjoying the Holidays Solo
Don’t let anyone convince you that you are not honoring the true meaning of the season by choosing to celebrate the holidays alone instead of with family. Commit yourself happily to your choice and you can make the most powerful change in any circumstance.
Love Being Single
Surviving rejection and regaining our sense of self-worth is not only imparative to our sense of well-being, it´s also possible to do.
New Year - A New Life!
In order to become the person you want to be, you must balance your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. You must place your self at the top of your resolutions list.
New Year - New Life!
We all have unrealistic ideals about the perfect mate, friend, or family reunion.
But the end of the year is always a great time of renewal. So get excited about the New Year – and make 2007 your best year ever!
New Year Singles!
Change is an inevitable part of life and often the resistance we have in accepting something new is because we are clinging to past behavior patterns or holding onto feelings of regret. It's time to let go of the past and face the New Year with renewed strength and a commitment to ‘’self-love.’’
New Year, New You!
Now is the time for real change. This is a time to make new resolutions and renew your pledge to put yourself at the top of your list. It doesn’t matter what challenges you have in your life, you must take time to care for yourself, or you will be of no use to anyone else..
New Year, New You! 7-Tips to Detoxify Your Life
Ring in the New Year by clearing out toxic people and toxic relationships in your life. Let 2012 be the year of a healthier, more positive you!
Restart Your Life
Do you refuse to live in fear of being alone, but now find yourself single again? Take back control of your life and reawaken that sense of purpose that resides in us all!
Single Bells, Single Bells, Single All The Way...
I will be a guest on the Internet radio program Get Over It! with Libby Gill. ( on Sunday December 23, 2007 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm pacific time, where I will share my personal stories on being single in the holiday season.
Single by Choice! Valentine's Day Special.
Valentine’s Day can be the one day of the year that you take stock in all the things that you have done in the recent, or distant past that have made the lives of others better, and celebrate you. Celebrate this holiday in a new way by celebrating the love you have for you.
Single in Italy
With the end of February and Valentine’s Day, March is rapidly approaching, so why not take your single self on an exciting solo tour of Italy?
Single Life Choices: Empowerment
Value yourself and know that the most important relationship in life is the one we have with ourselves. Re-affirm your right to remain ‘’Happily Single!´´
Valentine's Day for Singles!
For single women, Valentine’s Day can mean, “having it all”! We can have friends, lovers, chocolate, champagne, and flowers - All the essentials of life, all on the same day.
Valentine's Day!
Being single can be life affirming, and Valentine’s Day is a day to acknowledge your sense of freedom. In deciding to celebrate this holiday, as a single person, is your way of acknowledging that on this Valentine’s Day your big love is none other than…you!
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