Fruit and Vegetables

Asparagus in Containers
Can you grow Asparagus in a pot? Well some would not want to even try but it is possible with the right approach, conditions and a lot of patience. Will the effort and results be worthwhile? I say yes and there are many who have had much success. See what you think and add this to your bucket list!
Cantaloupes in Containers
Have you chosen to not grow vine crops in containers, thinking they will not be healthy, or there will not be enough room for the vines to grow? Cantaloupe can be an excellent choice for your container garden. Here are tips and tricks for growing sweet, juicy, bountiful container cantaloupe.
Seedling Tomatoes in Containers
Tomatoes are popular vegetables to grow in containers. They are easy if you just follow a few sound gardening principles and the yield is well worth your efforts. They like sun, good food, well prepared soil, the right variety seedling and the right sized container. Easy gardening and delicious!
Vegetable Container Mistakes
Believe it or not, seasoned gardeners make mistakes all the time and nearly as often as those just starting out. Here we cover the first Five Container Gardening mistakes by gardeners. These are The Gardener; Planning; Budget Basics; Growing Conditions and Plant Choices. There are more to come!
Artichokes are Amazing!
The Arti is the really pretty flower part and the Choke is the bit we eat – but ARTICHOKE leaves are the real tonic … and what better way to grow a big and interesting specimen plant in a container than this? Got space in the corner for one of these? It’s certainly no plain Jane, and useful too!
Broccoli and Carrot Containers
Shop bought vegetables just do not stand in the same queue as your own home grown ones - that fresh, delicious, healthy crunch that comes from your own container cannot be beat as they say. Companions are mates and two good ones are Broccoli and Carrots, easy to grow and so versatile in the kitchen!
Chayote in Containers
Chayote in containers may be unusual for some but everyday for others – I say we should join the others and grow some. Like courgettes in a way, this vigorous climber belongs to the gourd family is popular in southern warm areas, it has many uses in the kitchen and is a medicinal vegetable as well.
Grow a Salsa Garden
When you say the word Salsa it conjures up good times, good tastes, and good company! So what goes into a salsa? Usually tomato, garlic, onion, chillie peppers and cilantro … and you can grow them all in container. Need a recipe for salsa? There’s one there too!
Grow Garlic!
Just add organic garlic to your diet and your health will improve. All sorts of diseases and poor living lifestyles can be mended. That’s the promise Nature makes when you take advantage of this amazing vegetable ... or is it an herb? Whatever - grow some soon and you won’t look back!
LEMONS for Hearth and Home
Lemons are so versatile and have so many uses in all sort of ways that it is one of those comfortable facts of life - it’s just great to know that they are there for the growing and using. And if life does hand you lemons - make lemonade of course, but count yourself lucky and reach out for more
Peppers, Garlic and Cilantro for SALSA
When you say the word Salsa it conjures up good times, good tastes, and good company! So what goes into a salsa? Usually tomato, garlic, onion, chillie peppers and cilantro … and you can grow them all in containers. Here we cover PEPPERS, GARLIC and CILANTRO ... another covers Tomatoes and Onions.
Pineapple Pots
Up to a challenge of sorts? Got some patience, curiosity and some adventurous currency to spend in your container garden? Then spend it here by growing pineapples in pots. Let it be an annual event in your balcony garden as you grow new plants for a regular crop. Achievement in a container for sure!
Plant a Strawberry Tower
Strawberries grow very well in containers: they have shallow roots, are very adaptable, relatively hardy, and they look good, too! All that plus being able to harvest your very own ripe strawberries wherever you live makes them the ideal container plant.
Potato Pots
There is nothing like the taste of vegetables harvested fresh from your efforts, and the nutty, creamy, moreish flavour of potatoes tops our list. Coming in all shapes and sizes they are easy to grow, and this kind and humble tuber just wants good soil, regular watering and sunshine. Mash anyone?
Spinach and Dill Pots
What a joy it is when you can cook or bake something with your own home-grown produce, it really does just taste better. Besides, you know the joy of creativity and I say that is what Container Gardening is all about. Spinach Pie - my my, you can make your own and grow your own ingredients. Goody!
Strawberries - which one?
There are hundreds of varieties of strawberries adapted to a wide range of climates, and three main types based on when the plants bear fruit. Here is a summary of strawberry types with a list of some of the best varieties.
Super-Fruit - STRAWBERRY
Talk about a Super Food? Well Strawberries are certainly one of them and have so much to offer it all sort of trips over itself to get in line, and what an easy line it is. Not low maintenance as your strawberries do need regular care, but the benefits of growing your own are just to good to miss!
Sweet Bell Peppers
Sweet bell peppers are a garden favorite and very easy to grow in containers. Here are the tips you'll need to harvest a wonderful crop of sweet peppers right from your porch or patio.
Tomatoes and Onions for SALSA
Salsa it conjures up good times, good tastes, and good company! What goes into a salsa? Usually tomato, Onion garlic, chillie peppers and cilantro … and you can grow them all in containers. Here we discuss growing TOMATOS and ONIONS, and in twin article we cover Chillie Peppers, Garlic and Cilantro
Tomatoes Today!
Lewis Grizzard said “It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." And he knows what he’s talking about! Are you growing your own tomatoes? I hope so – and if not I hope you plan to begin just as soon as you can.
Vegetable Container Mistakes 2
Believe it or not, seasoned gardeners make mistakes all the time and nearly as often as those just starting out. Here we cover the Five MORE Container Gardening mistakes by gardeners. These are Care and Maintenance; Planting practices; Watering and Drainage; Harvesting and Making Mistakes anyway!
Why Garlic?
Garlic is one of those vegetables that everyone can grow and that everyone should grow - it is so healthy and crammed with vital minerals and it seems crazy to suggest that a clove of garlic swallowed whole a day will help keep the doctor away ... sorry apples! If you haven't grow it yet please try!
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