Vintage Patterns

Dora Young Knot Stitch Info
Dora's book has been recently reprinted and many tatters are seeing it for the first time. Most of us are already familiar with her bridging or split chain technique but the knot stitch tatting technique is one that I have not yet learned. We continue to seek information.
Nellie Hall Youngburg #21 Patterns
Nellie Hall Youngburg design #21 tatted by Patricia Vera-Camacho from Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg, Brookings, SD© 1921.
1896 Butterick Flower
The 1896 Butterick Flower uses the mock picot and split ring to climb out into the second round.
2 Tat & Scaloped Braid edgings WB 6/1948
The June 1948 Workbasket magazine offered these two tatted edgings which actually puzzled me at first. What kind of a header was that one side? Read on!
3-Row Edging 1931 Marie Haase
From the pages of the Needlecraft Magazine 1931 Oct. pg. 31 Vol. XXIII No. 2 I found a set of three edgings designed by Marie Haase. This is 1 of 3.
40 Designs Nellie Hall Youngburg
"Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg, Novel and Unique Designs...Brookings, SD © 1921" appears to have been published privately originally. It was reprinted as "Tatting #6" in 1982 by the House of White Birches.
5 Designs by Winifred Worth
Winifred Worth's "Crochet & Tatting, Vol. 1." has 5 common tatting designs. It was also published in the Jackson Citizen Patriot on Sept. 23,1917. Picot displacement
A Useful Edging - Godey's Lady Book
A tatting pattern for children's clothing given in the "Godey's Lady's Book" from September 1857, pg. 266.
Anna J Johnson - Doily
Needlecraft Magazine April 1923 Doily with Border in Modern Tatting by Anna J. Johnson
Anne Orr Book 2 Medallion #3
Anne Orr Book 2 Medallion #3 with a new model prepared by Wally Sosa @2018
Annie Helling Tatted Edge
Tatted edging using faux and true rings by Annie Helling from the Needlecraft Magazine year unknown Oct. pg. 10
Antique Collar 6 rows
This antique collar in the photo has survived many decades and the tatting is as firm as ever. It is amazing that something which looks so delicate can be so sturdy.
Antique Three Row Edge by Anna Valeire
Anna's pattern #55 pg 8. It has three rows of tatting; one row of opposing rings separated by bare thread space, another of opposing rings with long picots alternating with chains, and one row of traditional alternating rings
Beeton's Book of Needlework
Isabella Beeton would smile to hear herself called a "household" name. Her books on Household Management gave practical advice to many woman. She shared sensible information on many subjects from laundry to lace. This book of needle work is a classic with 65 patterns.
French, undated, saved by the Antique Pattern Library. For those who are thinking about teaching or who like to tat vintage patterns, this little pattern is a great teaching lesson. (Errors in translation are the editor's.)
Camisole Yoke Antique
Tatted camisoles and yokes were favorites of tatters in the early part of the previous century. Although intended for lingerie and sleepwear, these are perfect for summer tops and evening blouses.
Clara Haase pats #2 #4
These are two more designs are by Clara Haase. Her name appears more than once in Needlecraft Magazine.
Classic Wheel with half stitches
A Classic Wheel featuring the use of half stitches combined with double stitches by Winifred Worth from the Jackson Citizen Patriot published Sept. 28, 1917.
Clotilde Half Wheel Edgings
Half-Wheel Edging and Daisy Insertion... Half wheels are most often depended from a previous round of tatting or sewn to a cloth, but here the design has two lines facing each other in an interlocking position.
Cloverleaf Edging Mrs. V. C. Fitzpatrick 1918
Here is a simple repeating cloverleaf and chain edging from Mrs. V. C. Fitzpatrick as published in the Jan. 27, 1918 Plain Dealer.
Coats&Clark 138 edging 433 and 434
2 dainty and decorative edgings with great learning opportunities for using DNRW
Coats&Clark 138 edging 435
A dainty and decorative edging but this #435 pattern presents a challenge to modernize it into a one pass pattern.
Coats&Clark 138 edging 436
A dainty and decorative edging but this #436 pattern presents a challenge to modernize it into a one pass pattern.
Comfort Tatting Feb. 1925 2 patterns
Two simple edgings from the Comfort Tatting Magazine from Feb. 1925.
crown cnc 295 [offsite link]
Crown variation Coats n Clark #292
Daisy Medallion 1922
This pattern was published in a 1922 Home Arts & Entertainment magazine. It is a daisy medallion which uses the mock picot to climb out.
Dora Young Knot Stitch Understanding the Technique
Dora's book has been recently reprinted and many tatters are seeing it for the first time. Most of us are already familiar with her bridging or split chain technique but the knot stitch tatting technique is one that I have not yet learned. Let's study this together.
DY Knot Stitch, Unraveled
During the May 7, 2018 meeting of the Online Tatting Class, this knot stitch method was discussed intensively. As a result, we have the solution!
E.J. Lavalle 1917 book, fig. 30
This pattern from the 1917 book by E. J. Lavalle looked like an autumn leaf or so I thought. Then it began to look like a moth, no, a leaf from a tulip tree, no a fan. OK. I don't know what to call it. But give it a try.
Edging in 3 rows Maria Haase 1931
From the pages of the Needlecraft Magazine 1931 Oct. pg. 31 Vol. XXIII No. 2 I found a set of three edgings designed by Marie Haase. This is 2 of 3.
Edging with Rick Rack from Needlecraft [offsite link]
Marie Smith prepared the model for this insertion from Needle craft Magazine Feb. 1927
EJ Lavalle 1917 book, fig. 23
EJ Lavalle 1917 book, fig. 23 is a tatted circle inside a square with rounded corners. The negative space between the two elements is filled with 4 sets of 4 rings.
Emmy Liebert 1921 Fig. 28 & 29 [offsite link]
Emmy Liebert book 1 figs. 28 and 29 present an unusual cloverleaf construction.
Emmy Liebert Motifs [offsite link]
Barry Pecher has prepared the models for this motif from the Emmy Liebert Book
Emmy Liebert Vintage Motif [offsite link]
Barry Pechers prepared these models of Emmy Liebert´s Vintage Motifs.
Emmy Liebert's Square Star
Emmy Liebert's Square Star from Schiffchen-Arbeiten Frivolitäten 1916 Book 1 fig. 30 pg. 65 reprint pg.14
Entredeux by Johanna Rubli
"Frivolités" by Miss Johanna Rubli from Zug, Switzerland was
published in 1917. Entredeux .
Faggoting & Tatting on Collar
This collar by Norma Benporath will require planning and concentration. It is a vintage public domain pattern. Faggoting is an embroidery stitch joining across an opening between pieces of fabric.
Flower Basket - Lotte Winter-Leipzig
This set of directions for the Flower Basket by Lotte Winter-Leipzig from Emmy Liebert's Bk 1 was written by Elke Grotegut.
Gina Brummett - May Mystery Motif
Gina Brummet was a great friend and terrific tatter. She offered this pattern as the May Mystery Motif (2008.)
Gina Brummet´s DMC Project Motif # 13 [offsite link]
Gina Brummett has been working on her 25 motifs a year challenge project. She chose the antique booklet: DMC Library - Tatting by Therese de Dillmont. You may down load the entire booklet at:
Plate 2 fig #10
directions on pg 24 of the booklet.
Gina Brummet´s DMC Project Motif #4 [offsite link]
Gina Brummett has been working on her 25 motifs a year challenge project. She chose the antique booklet: DMC Library - Tatting by Therese de Dillmont. You may down load the entire booklet at:
Plate 1 fig. #4
directions on pg 20 of the booklet.
Gina Brummet´s DMC Project Motif #8 [offsite link]
Gina Brummett has been working on her 25 motifs a year challenge project. She chose the antique booklet: DMC Library - Tatting by Therese de Dillmont. You may down load the entire booklet at:
Plate 1 fig. #5
directions on pg 20-21 of the booklet.
Girl's Own Book 1858 Edging
Recent study of "The Girl's Own Book" 1858 edition by (Lydia) Maria Child brought to my attention an illustration of 4 variations of a line of half-closed rings. Half-closed rings were often used in vintage patterns but seen less seldom today.
Girl's Own Book 1858 Pattern
"The Girl's Own Book" in 1833 had no tatting. But by the time that the 1858 edition was issued, tatting had its own section. The tatting section is on pages 330 through 348. The instructions are quite general but accurate as are the illustrations. Among the patterns is this curious piece of lace.
Grapes & Leaves Priscilla #3 [offsite link]
This is the collection of three pages for the Grapes Leaves and Grapes tablecloth pattern from Priscilla #3 pgs. 16, 17, and 19. And below are the individual pages.
Grapes & Leaves Priscilla #3
This example is taken from the Priscilla #3 Book pg. 17 a tablecloth edging with grapes and leaves.
Hen and Chicks [offsite link]
The Classic hen and chicks pattern with the expanded hen and chicks on eggs addition by Georgia Seitz
Imported Des. of Tatting BK #77 8133 8136 8144
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 3 selected patterns
Imported Designs of Tatting BK #77 8123 8149
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 Vintage Designs Modernized
List of patterns diagrammed and modernized. Pattern#8123, 8149
Imported Designs of Tatting BK #77 8138 8141
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 Vintage Designs Modernized
List of patterns diagrammed and modernized. Pattern#8138, 8141
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 8150
Imported Designs in Tatting Book 77 pattern 8150 pg. 10 A round motif in 3 rows.
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 8158
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 Vintage Designs Modernized
List of patterns diagrammed and modernized. pg. 6 pattern 8158 round doily
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 8161
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 Vintage Designs Modernized
List of patterns diagrammed and modernized. pg. 3 pattern 8161 round doily
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 8163
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 Vintage Designs Modernized
List of patterns diagrammed and modernized. Pattern#8163
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 8175
Imported Designs in Tatting Book 77 pattern 8150 pg. 10 A round motif in 3 rows.
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 8182 8183
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 Vintage Designs Modernized
List of patterns diagrammed and modernized. pg. 4 and 5, patterns 8182 and 8183
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 861
Imported Designs of Tatting Book #77 Vintage Designs Modernized
List of patterns diagrammed and modernized. pg. 10 pattern 861 intriguing edging
Insertion by Jane Weaver 1873
This pattern was designed by Jane Weaver whose work was published in several needlework publication in several mediums, crochet, knitting and tatting. It is shaped to serve as an insertion.
JLPatten 1883 Tie end
A delicate piece of all one shuttle work from 1883.
Maltese Insertion 1867
This vintage pattern is from "The Ladies Book of the Month" by Madame Elise 1987. It has been added to's extensive list of free tatting books posted online. You can find the entire list here:
Marie Antoinette Hees BK5 Edging 7
Marie Antoinette Hees Book 5 Edging 7 Just follows the shuttle core thread and you will reach the end of this repeat.
Martha Ess rev. Schiffchenspitzen,
Frau Tina Frauberger's "Schiffchenspitzen," figure 78. Revised by Martha Ess using modern tatting techniques like the split ring and mock picot.
Mes Vacances, Album de 170
In this album of needlework patterns on pg. 53 there is a single tatting pattern illustrated. There were no directions included.
Miss Beller's Van Dyke Edging 1916
Miss Beller's Van Dyke Edging 1916, The Plain Dealer, is a vintage piece of simple tatting but whose construction requires planning.
Mlle Riego 4 Shuttle Tatting
In this pattern from the Pearl Tatting Book is a chain pattern insertion which I mistook at first for an example of split ring tatting. It is not. Instead, Mlle Riego uses four tatting shuttles to tat the alternating sides in one pass.
Mlle Riego's Lace Tatting Book
The famous Mlle. Riego has a number of tatting patterns books, among them this one, "The Lace Tatting Book," ©1866.
Modernize Vintage Tatting Patterns
Modernizing a vintage tatting pattern is easily defined as finding a path to tat the lace from center to outer row, or from row to row without cutting the thread. The fewer cuts of the thread, the fewer ends there would be to hide.
Motif Bocher 1912 Tatting Book
Bocher 1912 Tatting Book. Among the many patterns for which members of the Online Tatting Class rewrote methods in 2009 and prepared samples, several are still available in the class files. This particular pattern inspired both earrings by Sue MacLeod and a bracelet, too.
Mrs. Beeton´s "Book of Needlework" Pattern 8 [offsite link]
Mrs. Beeton´s "Book of Needlework" Pattern 8
With variations by Gina Brummet and Wally Sosa.
NC June 1926 Edging Anna Johnson
Needlecraft Magazine 1926 June Dainty Tatted Trim by Anna J. Johnson
Needleart 1921 7 edgings with diagrams
These patterns from the 1921 Needleart magazine Vol. 8 #3 have been featured on during this summer. Now we have the addition of diagrams and new models prepared by Muskaan.
Needleart 1921 edging #1
These patterns are from the "Needleart" magazine Vol.8 #3 published in 1921 on page 17 and continued on page 68. There are seven patterns of varying degrees of difficulties. The designs are intended for underwear but today's fashions would also be enhanced on outer wear as well. More this summer.
Needleart 1921 edging #2
These patterns are from the "Needleart" magazine Vol.8 #3 published in 1921 on page 17 and continued on page 68. There are seven patterns of varying degrees of difficulties. The designs are intended for underwear but today's fashions would also be enhanced on outer wear as well. More this summer.
Needleart 1921 edging #3
These patterns are from the "Needleart" magazine Vol.8 #3 published in 1921 on page 17 and continued on page 68. There are seven patterns of varying degrees of difficulties. The designs are intended for underwear but today's fashions would also be enhanced on outer wear as well. More this summer.
Needleart 1921 edging #4
These patterns are from the "Needleart" magazine Vol.8 #3 published in 1921 on page 17 and continued on page 68. There are seven patterns of varying degrees of difficulties. The designs are intended for underwear but today's fashions would also be enhanced on outer wear as well. More this summer.
Needleart 1921 edging #5
These patterns are from the "Needleart" magazine Vol.8 #3 published in 1921 on page 17 and continued on page 68. There are seven patterns of varying degrees of difficulties. The designs are intended for underwear but today's fashions would also be enhanced on outer wear as well. More this summer.
Needleart 1921 edging #6
These patterns are from the "Needleart" magazine Vol.8 #3 published in 1921 on page 17 and continued on page 68. There are seven patterns of varying degrees of difficulties. The designs are intended for underwear but today's fashions would also be enhanced on outer wear as well. More this summer.
Needleart 1921 edging #7
These patterns are from the "Needleart" magazine Vol.8 #3 published in 1921 on page 17 and continued on page 68. There are seven patterns of varying degrees of difficulties. The designs are intended for underwear but today's fashions would also be enhanced on outer wear as well. More this summer.
Needlecraft Magazine 1922 Corner
Needlecraft Magazine June 1922, pgs 10 and 19 has a corner of unusual design
Needleweaving & Tatting Frauberger 1919 fig. 31 [offsite link]
Tatting with Needleweaving is featured in a pattern from Tina Frauberger. It is found in her books from 1919 and/or 1921 and in the 1913, "Ich Kann Handarbeiten." It uses the trademark "onion ring formation as well as floating rings.
Nellie Hall Youngburg design #18
Nellie Hall Youngburg design #18 tatted by Patricia Vera-Camacho from Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg, Brookings, SD© 1921.
Nellie Hall Youngburg Motif #22
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Motif #22 Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg, Brookings, SD© 1921
NH Youngburg Pattern #1
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921. Edging which may be combined to create insertion.
NH Youngburg Pattern #10
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Edging #10
NH Youngburg Pattern #11
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921 Edging
NH Youngburg Pattern #18
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921 Medallion
NH Youngburg Pattern #2
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg One shuttle edging #2
NH Youngburg Pattern #23
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921. Multi-purpose motif
NH Youngburg Pattern #27
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921. Medallion.
NH Youngburg Pattern #3
Tatted Edging No.3 Pg. 1 New tatted model by Phyllis Schmidt from Nellie Hall Youngburg's "40 Original Designs in Tatting" 1921
NH Youngburg Pattern #32
This design is worked with only one shuttle. The double stitch count is either 6 or 3. It is easy to master. It is good to take with you traveling.
NH Youngburg Pattern #35 and #33
This easy yoke design is worked with only one shuttle. The double stitch count is 6 for all rings. It is easy to master and a good pattern to take with you traveling. And the tab collar has medallions depended from a tatted heading edging.
NH Youngburg Pattern #36
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921. Motif to create a camisole yoke or bikini top with band or insertion edging.
NH Youngburg Pattern #37
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921 Square Motif
NH Youngburg Pattern #38
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Camisole Yoke #38
NH Youngburg Pattern #4
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921 modernizes by tatters from the Online Tatting Class
NH Youngburg Pattern #6
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921 with new models and text revised by tatters from the Online Tatting Class.
NH Youngburg Pattern #7
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Violet Edging #7
NH Youngburg Pattern #8 & 9
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg Brookings, SD© 1921. Edging which may be combined to create insertion.
NH Youngburg Rose Medallion #19
Rose Medallion #19 Pg 6 Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Novel and Unique Designs with Complete Instructions for Every Pattern Designed and Executed by Nellie Hall Youngburg, Brookings, SD© 1921.
NHY 39 Butterfly Ninetta Caruso
A New Pattern from Nellie H Youngburg #39. This is the corner piece design with a new model by Ninetta Caruso, a butterfly.
NHY Acorn Medallion #24
Nellie H Youngburg #24 acorn medallion with new model and modernized directions by Carol Parry and diagram by Jane Eborall.
NHY Arrow Edging #29
Nellie Hall Youngburg Arrow Head Edging for Centerpiece #29 pg. 10
NHY Blue Bird #28 pg 9
Nellie Hall Youngburg Blue Bird #28 with model by Wally Sosa and diagrams by Jane Eborall
NHY Coin Purse #25
Nellie H Youngburg Motif #25 Coin Purse with model by Ann Taylor. This is an old-fashioned drawstring coin purse with lots of ruffles.
NHY Heart Shaped Edging no. 5
Heart Shaped Edging no. 5 Sample tatted by Shanan Strode from Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg ©1921
NHY Wild Rose Medallion Motif #26
Forty Original Designs in Tatting By Nellie Hall Youngburg Tatted Wild Rose Medallion Motif #26
Node Stitch in Vintage Tatted Yoke
A chain tatted with Victorian sets, in this pattern 4 x first half stitch followed by 4 x second half stitch is called variously node stitch, rick rack stitch and/or zig zag stitch.
Norma Benporath's 3 Motifs
These three medallions appeared in the Jan. 31, 1935 issue of The Queenslander on page 35 written by Norma Benporath, OAM.
Oeillet, Oval, Circle, and Loop all mean Ring.
The word oeillet, along with loop, oval and circle are all used to indicate a "ring" in this 1867 Mlle Riego pattern from the Royal Tatting book, pg. 10.
One pass method C and C#295 [offsite link]
Muskaan´s method to tat the pattern in one pass. Coats and Clark Pat #295
Onion Ring Motif Vintage
This is an interesting exercise in diagramming and writing patterns. An antique German tatting book which has only photos no text, "Die Schiffchenarbeit" offers a challenge. This pattern uses the onion ring tatting elements so often found in antiue patterns.
Oval Doily APL BYSO88 end
This was originally in German and was posted by the Antique Pattern Library July 2019. It is labeled "An Oval Tatted Doily." No author noted. This is the second and final part of the pattern.
Oval Shuttle motif
Norma Benporath (1900 - 1998) designed lovely tatting patterns which were published by SEMCO in the pre- and during the WWII years. This pattern caught my attention because of its oval shuttle-like shape. It is from the Home Beautiful Tatting Book #4
Piano Scarf Edging 1916
Miss C.W.'s Tatted edging for Piano Scarf June 11, 1916 The Plain Dealer
Pointed Edging - Mabel Ketchum 1917
Mabel's Edging is a simple pattern which forms delicate points. This edging may be used to adorn clothing, linens or even turned into jewelry. Add a few beads over the joins and in the centers of the rings and instant necklace!
Priscilla Collar modernized by Erin [offsite link]
This pattern is from the Modern Priscilla magazine of the early 1900´s. And shared from the files of the Online Tatting Class. The Priscilla Tatting books on online for free download. please visit:
Priscilla Inspired Earrings - Edda G [offsite link]
This pattern is from the Modern Priscilla magazine of the early 1900´s. And shared from the files of the Online Tatting Class. The Priscilla Tatting books on online for free download. please visit:
Priscilla Inspired Necklace - Susan [offsite link]
This pattern is from the Modern Priscilla magazine of the early 1900´s. And shared from the files of the Online Tatting Class. The Priscilla Tatting books on online for free download. please visit:
Priscilla Lattice Collar modernized by Jennifer [offsite link]
This pattern is from the Modern Priscilla magazine of the early 1900´s. And shared from the files of the Online Tatting Class. The Priscilla Tatting books on online for free download. please visit:
Priscilla Pansy [offsite link]
This pattern is from the Modern Priscilla magazine of the early 1900´s. And shared from the files of the Online Tatting Class. The Priscilla Tatting books on online for free download. please visit:
Priscilla Shamrock [offsite link]
This pattern is from the Modern Priscilla magazine of the early 1900´s. The Priscilla Tatting books on online for free download. please visit:
Riego 03 Golden Stars in Tatting & Crochet [offsite link]
Etoile Doree in Tatting (Golden Stars in Tatting and Crochet) 1861.
Doilies, cuffs, collars antimacassars.
Riego 04 Tatting, Edgings & Insertions.pdf [offsite link]
Tatting, Edgings and Insertions 1861
Edgings and insertions from Greek and Roman Lace, Venetian border and insertion, Etruscan border and insertion and more.
Riego 05 The Exhibition Tatting Book [offsite link]
The Exhibition Book 1862
Maltese (Pearl Tatted chains and ring) work, star, diamond shaped insertions, Rosette edging
Riego 06 The Royal Tatting Book [offsite link]
The Royal Tatting Book 1864, 1867
The 1867 edition has two illustrations in reversed position otherwise all the same.
Lily of the Valley edging, Mignonette Border, Guipure Trimming and others.
Riego 07 The Complete Tatting Book [offsite link]
The Complete Tatting Book 2nd Edition 1866
Instructions, abbreviations, Gymp and Parisian Gymp Trimmings, Van Dyke Edging, doilies and more.
Riego 08 The Lace Tatting Book [offsite link]
The Lace Tatting Book 1866, 1867
Gorgeous Lace Parasol, doilies, bonnet, Dresden Edging, antimacassar and more.
Riego 09 Simple Book of Tatting [offsite link]
The Simple Book of Tatting 1867
Contains the oft reproduced Metternich Cravat and Edging, Lappets, Van Dyke Edging and more.
Riego 10 The Pearl Tatting Book [offsite link]
The Pearl Tatting Book 1867
Lavish Lace collar and cuffs set, "Shakespeare", Pearl or Maltese work, Handkerchief edging.
Riego 11 The Raised Tatting Book [offsite link]
The Raised Tatting Book 1868
Gorgeous Vintage Child´s Dress lavished with tatting lace good for a Christening Gown perhaps or special event dress for young child. Mignardise edging, Maltese square, pearl beading.
Riego 12 The Irish Lace Instructor [offsite link]
The Irish Lace Instructor 1886
This is only the tatting chapter from this book. It has a parasol cover, edgings, doilies and some items from previous books.
Riego Book 2 Tatting [offsite link]
Tatting First Edition 1850. Instructions, Edging, Colar, Maltese work, Tatted grapes and more.
Rose Medallion #39 Anne Orr
This is a classic rose medallion pattern designed by the famous Anne Orr and published in her book 13.
Roy Feuchtwanger - Doily
Needlecraft Magazine Year Unknown Dec. pg. 12 Tatted Doily by Roy Feuchtwanger
Sajou Album for Frivolity Works #16
Album for Frivolity Works #16 Published ©1861 by SAJOU, Embroidery and Tapestry Patterns Manufacturer, Paris. Here are the directions for pattern #16 in modern tatting notation. This is an edging comprised of half closed rings. (please see update posted Oct. 18,2015.
Sajou Album for Frivolity Works #16 Correction
Album for Frivolity Works #16 Published ©1861 by SAJOU, Embroidery and Tapestry Patterns Manufacturer, Paris. Here are the directions for pattern #16 in modern tatting notation. This is an edging comprised of half closed rings. (please see update posted Oct. 18,2015.
Sewn Picot in outwest vintage doily
Found out west, an ecru rectangular doily with a puzzling joining.
Simple Tatted Scallop Edge WB May 59
Notice as you tat the Workbasket edging that the look of the tatting changes from light and airy to a more formal look. May 1959
Sources for Hearts & more
I was pondering what I might share with tatters today, a new pattern or an old pattern, or a study for a technique when it occurred to me that I could share dozens of books and thousands of patterns with all tatters by just sharing my favorite sources!
Split Ring Vintage Pattern Coats #14
An early example of the split ring was used in the J.P. Coats Co. Booklet #14.
Strange Insertion Priscilla Book 2
The Priscilla Tatting Book #2 pg. 5 fig. 11 insertion. Insertions are useful patterns for linens in particular but are often found on clothing as well.
Tassel by Clara Haase NC Mag July 1927 [offsite link]
Curtain Pull or Tassel by Clara Haase Needlecraft Magazine July 1927 TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2008. The late Gina Brummet used this pattern as a Mystery Motif. Later July Mystery Motif Revealed!
Tatted Curtain Pulls July 15, 2008.
(July Mystery Motif) July 1927 Needlecraft Magazine, by Clara Haase
Adapted by Regina A. Brummett
Tatted Couvrette - Girl's Own Book
Here is another vintage pattern from 1858 edition of "The Girl's Own Book," a butterfly motif "couvrette." The directions to tat the necessary rings includes instructions for "pearl stitches." The "pearl" indicated a "picot" and to make a pearl stitch with picot at that time meant 1 ds picot 1 ds.
Tatted Edges and Insert Needleart Mag
The Needleart 1921 page studied recently had seven patterns. This is the full list. These seven patterns intended for underwear but today's fashions would lend itself to decorating outer wear as well. Later this week diagrams and new models will be added to this list. Please check back.
Tatted Insertions Comfort Tatting
Tatting Designs" by Comfort Workers, 1917 Insertion using Reverse order double stitch
Tatted Rosette #45 Mrs. Beeton
Beeton's Book of Needlework by Mrs. Isabella Beeton was originally published in Great Britain in 1870 by Ward, Lock and Tyler. This Tatted Rosette appears as #45 on page 41 of the 1986 reprint
Tatted Tricorn Edging WB12/1956
Workbasket Dec.1956 pg. 29 Tricorn pattern. It is not a neat and tidy design. There are decorative picots and very stretched joining picots. Plus dimpled rings.
Tatted Yoke in One or Two Colors.
Priscilla Yoke book pattern and diagram with latticed chains in node stitch.
Tatting Craft, My Book No. 3 by Anna Valeire
Almost 100 designs old and new with 14 pictures of simplified instructions. By Anna Valeire
Tatting with Two Threads by Norma Benporath [offsite link]
© for this work remains with the National Library of Australia, original article can be accessed via or via TROVE,
Diagram by Fiona Tat
Tatting with Two Threads By Norma Benporath Test tatting and diagramming pattern by Fiona T An “Intatters” Community project.
TBC Instructions and Designs for Tatting [offsite link]
"TBC Instructions and Designs for Tatting", T. Buettner & Co. 1916. Includes a lot of info and photos of novelty braids.
The Young Englishwoman wheel
From the vintage publication, The Young Englishwoman, a wheel pattern #174 is examined to modernize the directions.
The Young Ladies' Journal. 1885 Fig. 21
The Young Ladies' Journal. Complete Guide to the Work-Table. 9th edition 1885. Tatting. Pattern #21 with original pattern (mistakes and all) and modern tatting methods. One shuttle pattern.
Tina Frauberger BK2 Schiffchenarbeit 1921 [offsite link]
The second book of intriguing tatting patterns from the famous Frau Tina Frauberger.
Tina Frauberger, Schiffchenspitze 1921 pat. 97
Frau Tina Frauberger, Schiffchenspitze 1921 Book 2 pattern 97. A pattern with many techniques to practice.
Tine Frauberger´s 1919 Tatting book [offsite link]
A marvelous book of tatting patterns. The text is in German.
Two Color Edging DMC
Linda Reiff has modernized this vintage DMC Tatting pattern. Located on pg. 26, it is the Edging Fig. 12 in Two Color Tatting. This is an excellent two color for beginning tatters. It will also introduce them to floating rings and RODS.
Vintage Collar
Barbara Bruyer luckily found this tatted collar which she is sharing with us. The tatting is the most basic technique but being a curved collar it offers several points to educate the tatter on building a wide curved edging
Vintage square from Emmy Liebert book 1 [offsite link]
Stephanie Wilson has prepared the first pattern from Emmy Liebert´s first book, "Schiffchen-Arbeiten (Frivolitäten) Band 36 , 1916, pg. 12, figures 11 and 12. (Page 10 of the collected works reprint.)
Diagram with ds count.
Wide 3-Row Edging 1931 Marie Haase
From the pages of the Needlecraft Magazine 1931 Oct. pg. 31 Vol. XXIII No. 2 I found a set of three edgings designed by Marie Haase. This is 2 of 3.
Workbasket Edging April 1948
Workbasket April 1948 pg.13 A simple edging to tat but it has lots of possibilities. This will tat up quickly, too.
Workbasket edging Oct. 1959
The design is extremely simple and easy to tat. It is formal in style and would be enlivened by the use of brilliant colored threads.
Workbasket Feb 1959 Cloverleaf Edging
This is teaching patterns as well as fun to do. This easy pattern works up into a pointed scallop. Learn how to create a straight edging or adapt it to a curved edging.
Workbasket Feb 1959 Collar trim & medallion
This is teaching patterns as well as fun to do. This easy pattern works up into a sew on edging. The collar may also have a tatted medallion at the corners.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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